









3Com, 85

3M, 134

'4 Cs', 28

ABB, 17

activity, contract of, 82, 84

Adidas, 22, 41

Air Liquide, 189

Albert, Eric, 87

Alexander the Great, 110

alignment, 148, 157

Amazon, 25

Angell, Norman, 7

Apple, 32, 138

apprenance, 183

Arthur, Brian, 32

Aubrey, Bob, 85, 195

Authier, Michel & Levy, Pierre

... See  trees of knowledge

Banque Directe, 40

Bellon, Pierre, 195

Benamou, Eric, 85

Beveridge,William H.,79

Bien Joué, 125

Bodin,  Jean, 126

Boeing, 45

Boisot, Max, 175

Boissonnat, Jean, 84, 87

Bombardier, 126, 130

British Petroleum, 71

Calvin Klein, 22

China Merchant Holdings, 9

Christian Pellet, 39

Chrysler, 106 

(centre des jeunes dirigeants d'entreprise- center for young managers), 145

Clinton, Bill, 40

CNN, 11

CNPF (now MEDEF), 175

Coase, Ronald H., 49, 55

Coca-Cola, 26, 122, 177

Cocteau, Jean, 197

cohesion, 151-156

Colonna d’Istria, Jean-Luc, 125

conversation, 53, 164, 197

cooperation, 31, 58, 118, 126, 134, 135, 142, 157

Cortal, 40

Cortés, Hernan, 190-193

Costco, 125

Cousin, Laurent, 180

Custom Foot, 39

customer capital, 120, 122, 125, 135, 136, 200-202

d' André, Emmanuel, 191

Danone, 10

De Pree, Max, 160

DHL, 20, 63, 143

dialogue, 28, 36, 62, 67, 72, 86, 91, 128, 130, 141, 144, 151, 158-170, 174, 181, 184, 187, 189, 190-200

Dietzgen Advanced Technology Services, 44

discussion, 160-165, 170, 181

skilful discussion 162,181,197

Disney, 22

distrust, mistrust, 51, 54-58

Dow, Malcolm, 72

Drucker, Peter, 34, 41, 78

DVD, 32

ecosystem, 29-31, 200

Edvinsson,  Leif 184

employment, full, 79, 83, 85

empowerment, 54, 145-147

EVA, 199

exploration, 162, 163, 197

Féline, 179

Ford, 44

Formula 1, 27

Fukuyama, Francis, 55

Gage,Phinéas, 107

Gallet, 20

Gauthier, Alain, 161, 175, 195

Geocities, 10

Geus, Arie de, 184

good will, 121

Gordias, King, 110

Gorgy Timing, 12

Grove, Andy, 30, 97

GT Location, 179

Hamel, Gary, 112

Handy, Charles, 57, 97

Hawthorne, experiment, 171

Herzberg, 169-170

Hock, Dee, 54

human capital, 51, 120-122, 126-128, 130, 135-136, 180, 201

hypertext hierarchy, 152-157

increasing returns, law of,  32

innovation capital, 130,134

Intel, 29, 138

intellectual capital,
see   intelligence capital

intelligence capital, 119-122, 130, 131, 135, 156, 174, 179, 184,194, 199-202

IQ, intelligence quotient, 61, 202

irreplaceability, 180, 183, 201

ISO, 70, 121, 131

Jackson, Michael, 26

Java, 32

key competences, 176-177

Keynes, John M., 79

knowledge revolution, 37, 40-41, 51, 88-89

Lao-Tseu, 173, 190


commitment to, 183, 186, 188

    company, 175,187     

cycle, 198

process, 81, 91, 152, 190

teams, 120, 186-187

Lefèvre,Jacques, 114, 115

Lenhardt, Vincent, 148

Levi-Strauss, 10

Lutz, Bob, 105

Mack, 175

Mærsk Air, 20

management of knowledge, 120, 175

management of learning, 180

market space, 24, 31, 32, 45, 88, 153, 192

Martin, Bertrand, 111, 116

Maslow, 169

McDonalds, 10, 26

Medco, 123

Mercedes, 126, 138

Merck, 124

metalogue, 166, 167

meta-rules, 111, 112, 114, 115

Microsoft, 18, 26, 29, 32, 41

Minc, Alain, 65

mistrust, see distrust

Montezuma, 193

motivation, 135, 169, 170, 175, 193

motive, 170

MTV, 10

mudas, 132

MVA, 199

Nasa, 42

Netscape, 32, 49

New Sulzer, 111

Nike, 41

Northern Telecom, 169


Organisation capital, 130,132-134

Panama Canal, 7, 9

Parmentier, Antoine, 110

Pascal, Blaise, 62, 82

Pascaline See  Pascal

Peltz, 20

Philips, 114

Plato, 65, 161

point of redirection, 97, 98, 112

Potain, 114

Pralahad, C.K., 112

Progrès du Management( Progress in Management) , 116, 172

pull marketing, 27

push selling, 27

Reebok, 41

re-engineering, 52

Regional Airlines, 20

Reich, Robert, 40

Remington, 32

Renault, 105

Reynolds, Craig, 144

robin, 185-186

Roy, Jean-Louis, 104

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 105, 117

Saint-Onge, Hubert, 125, 130

Samsung, 9

Senge, 161, 165

Separation, 144, 157

Sérieyx, Hervé, 47, 202

Shell, 185

Sidel, 114

Skandia, 184

Smart, 126, 130

Smith, 80, 118

Socrates, 161

Sodexho, 58, 180, 189, 195

Sony, 32, 45

Stewart, Thomas, 177-178


structural capital, 120, 121, 125, 130, 134-136, 174, 180, 182, 196, 202

Sumimoto, 9

Tabaksblat, Morris, 27

tamagotchi, 132

Taylor, see Taylorism

Taylorism, 27,43,48-49,51,136,139-140,148

team learning, see learning-teams

Texaco, 37

titmouse, 184, 185

TPM (total productive  maintenance, 173

TQM, 52

trees of knowledge, 183

Triad, 9

Trois Suisses, 191

trust, 51, 54-59, 61, 68-69, 186, 201

UBS, Union des Banques Suisses, 77

Unilever, 27

UPS, 20

valency, 170

VHS, 32

Villermé, Louis René, 81

Visa, 54

Volvo, 173

von Neumann, John, 173

Vroom, 170

Wal-Mart, 123

Watzlawick, Paul, 107, 109

Welch, Jack, 139

Welfare State, 17, 79, 80

Wilson, Allan, 185

Windows see Microsoft